
发布者:对外交流与合作部学助     更新时间:2016-10-14     浏览次数:44

On Sept. 5th, the Association Union threw an gala themed “Ten years in TKK, love in the association” at the Pedestrian Plaza of the North Campus. The aim of the gala was to inherit TKK’s ten-year spirit, and welcome freshmen, as well as to invigorate association life.

The gala was divided into two parts so that freshmen who were required to receive military training in the evening can also enjoy the splendid show.

The Dancing Association and the Ballroom Dancing Association put on a skillful and splendid performance. The Anime Association demonstrated the fascination of animation. The Martial Arts Association and the Taekwondo Association gave an exhilarating and sensational show. The Tao Yun Club, the Yoga Club, the Painting and Calligraphy Association delivered their own soothing and enjoyable presentation. The exuberant guitar, hip-hop dancing and B-box shows deeply touched every audience by relieving the hardship of the military training. The freshmen fully indulged themselves in the visual feast where light and shadow, rhyme and music, dance and art added radiance and beauty to each other. The transition period came to a climax with the basic freestyle slalom, cool slalom dance, and the extreme brake show.

Writer: HuangZhibin, TKK association Union, Sept. 7th, 2013

Translated by Lin Bosi

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